A Regardless Love

From spoken word to poetry and several other projects. This is just a sample I had pre-quarantine.
This lockdown gave me time to think more about posting it, so here it is.

My heart hurts so with your words, I become scorn,
yet I continue to encourage you as I mourn.
Mourn from the verbal abuse so you leave me no excuse
but to retaliate with factual words to abuse. Abusing you with facts but yet your rebuttal is straight to my character with attack.
And I ask, why so upset about the truth? Own it and discover there is a better you.
Seeing your past as a vision,cutting into your soul, while making a decision,
a decision to make an incision
to release all negatives and demons.
Kill the demons so your semen
will not create a world full of young ones with low self esteem.
Trust the process, but don’t rush the process because time knows best once we are put to a test.
These are words I share with you regardless of your attempts to make me feel blue,
I believe in you even when you have no clue.
Stop making me the enemy for this is just the beginning.
The beginning of a journey you will find with ease, once you cease the attack and find the peace.

~Melanated Words

Thinking Out Loud

Consistent words with a combination of consistent and genuine actions could bring many goals to light. Believe in yourself and only rock with the real ones and the real ones are often NOT the people you thought it would be. It’s ok though, CUSTOMIZE YOUR DREAM TEAM by recognizing the real from the fake! The ones who are just talking, to the ones who show genuine concern. Your very own partner, family member or so called friend maybe envious therefore being far less supportive. I wanted to believe otherwise, thinking I had REAL ones but turns out, they were only around for the CONSISTENT LOYALTY I provided. So I fInally woke up and realized I was not receiving what I was giving. Yes, I found out the hard way. People are still being revealed to me which is something to be thankful for. Please note people, if they do not inquire, acknowledge, or not just as excited as you about what you are excited about then you need to keep that in mind. No, you do not need others to manifest your GOALS/PLANS but what good are those people who do not want to see their partner, friend or family member accomplish or reach their FULL potential? Humans are interesting so we all much believe in ourselves heavily, love ourselves unconditionally and remain positive at all times.
That’s all for now. Be Blessed!❤💕


It was sadistic abuse that made me
The strangers that saved me
My mental state came from love ones who caved me
Hearing more rejections than acceptances is what braved me
Being compared to others endorsed the resentment in me
Disloyalty from loved ones imported the grudges inside me
Terminations allowed more self doubt to become me
Incarceration established a hustle in me
Searching for love from anyone created the promiscuous me
Betrayal from the trusted ones manifested the cold me
Becoming spiritual and conscious freed me
But after understanding self love, yeah that’s the true me.

The Journey Begins

Welcome to Melanated Words!

Hi. I am Jackie Boyd. Melanated Words is a blog I created as a self love resource for myself and many others. My vision is to help anyone relating to my topics of discussion. I am currently sharing how I began to cope with all of my life’s most difficult experiences through my upcoming novel, my poetry, my blogging, my podcast channel and my various speaking events. What started off as just therapeutic writing for me became key to my emotional, mental and spiritual freedom. In addition, I discovered how my story inspired others to open up about similar experiences throughout their lives and so here I am….

Again, welcome to Melanated Words! I’m so excited so let’s get started!
